Four things you can do to make innovation happen
In todays “lean” organization time and attention are a scarce commodity. What can companies do to make innovation happen efficiently and successfully?
In todays “lean” organization time and attention are a scarce commodity. What can companies do to make innovation happen efficiently and successfully?
Big Data can be the treasure trove of information that companies could leverage but only if they know how to turn it into big insight to drive real innovation.
At Strategos we are often asked by our clients “how do I raise my game as an innovator” and more specifically “how do I organize for game changing innovation”? Highly effective innovation systems are usually based on a relatively small number of organizational principles. Here’s how to get started.
In this special ‘Innovation’ edition of the Swedish Standard Magazine (in Swedish) Michel van Hove of Strategos is interviewed about
Our work has focused on helping clients to create and realize innovative strategies and new offering concepts. But what about the entire management infrastructure that an organization uses to deliver value to its customers? Our thinking led us to a “principles-based” approach to management innovation.
Coming up with clever, cheap, fast experiments to test the assumptions of your business model is not easy. There is really no prescription for what to use when or where. This is one of the more “creative” exercises within the innovation journey. But the good news is that there are few design principles to guide you and some examples that can hopefully spark some ideas as you design your own experiments.
Peter Drucker famously said that “The best way to predict the future is to create it”. There’s more to this
Most innovation projects focus on discovering customer needs and resolving customer problems at the front end of the process. But,
The mashup phenomenon isn’t new but it’s no longer a novelty, it’s now the norm. The term “mashup” is also gaining usage to refer to the juxtaposition of industry leaders and startups as they come together through incubators and accelerators to develop new ideas and businesses. Strategos helps foster business mashups on a client by client basis through our use of cross-function, multi-level client core teams and workshops to reach more voices. Mashups aren’t just for pop music. Be open to mashups in your organization and let that energy and learning lead you to new areas of growth.
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